I've been getting more settled in here, and finding more to do, so my "computer time" has been less and less, so I'll try to get everything updated.
I've been doing a variety of different things here. In the mornings I usually assistant teach two classes, 4th graders and then 3rd graders. The 4th graders are brats. The 3rd graders are squirmy. from 11:30 to 1:00 I have a bit of a break, sometimes I'll eat lunch in the dining hall with the Mama's and their younger-not-yet-school-age kids, but most of the time I grab something at our house (We leave a grocery list for when Mike goes into town for supplies...there's not quite the variety of things we can get in the states...but we get enough to survive--peanut butter, pancake mix, African Hunny--which I will try to smuggle some back...it's different, eggs, lunch meats, yogurt, oatmeal, vegies and fruit (most we just get from here), um I don't know what else, this and that. In the afternoon I helped out in a few different places this past week...taught a couple classes, helped a couple classes. Next week Elle and I are going to take over the 2nd grade music and bible classes and possible English to 4th? I think..maybe a couple more, I'll let you know. Also, I plan on helping out Stu (he's in charge of projects like painting, fixing things, landscaping, ect....and math class haha) with some painting and stuff along with Gareth.
In the afternoons I usually go around to study hall for the younger kids and see who needs help. And then at 3:30 I go up to the JSS (Junior Secondary School) to do some tutoring one on one. these are the older kids...all day students 6th thru 8th I believe (a lot of the younger students live here at the orphanage, but not all of them). I've been doing English and Math tutoring mostly. Math is hardddd cause I haven't been in it in a year or two--even though they are doing all easy math stuff.
Somebody said they were interested in knowing what the food is like here. African food is no good. At least what they serve here. very bland. it's more like, they eat it to survive.
The only thing I've liked was the Matooke, and thats only when its prepared a certain way. It's like a plantain kinda, but not as good as the Cubans make them.
I eat dinner with the families almost every night, but a lot of the time we all come home and snack after, on food we like. My housemates have designated me "cook". I made pancakes and bacon and eggs tonight, tomorrow we're (I) am making pasta. I usually make them do the dishes.
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